Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Seventh Annual Jazz Fest Global Warming Update

Long story short (and read my past posts from 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, or 2014 for more details), this was the 28th - out of 43 - warmest Jazz Fest. Despite this prediction:

which relied shakily on this source:

The hottest temperature at Jazz Fest was 92 degrees back on May 2, 2002 - see my spreadsheet of data for all the original numbers. So even with the EPA’s maximum predicted increase, we would fall six degrees short of Houck’s fear-mongering.

Here are my updated three tables for this year:

Maybe next year I will try to calculate, at this "rate of warming", the year in which we will have 103 degrees at Jazz Fest.

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