I remember him saying that he made this after seeing the commercials for the first Star Wars movie, so they were modeled, or at least inspired by, R2D2 and C2PO:

(From http://www.slashfilm.com/ - I do NOT have any Star Wars crap in my office; plenty of other crap, but not Star Wars junk.)
And I say it was after seeing the commercials for Star Wars because as far as I know he never actually SAW Star Wars. Of course the figure he made out of a power outlet, a light socket, and misc scrap he had sitting around looks nothing like the Star Wars duo but, as a student pointed out to me the other day, it does look like a movie robot of more recent vintage:

So, being the good semi-attorney I am, I have begun copyright infringement proceedings against Pixar, Disney, Steve Jobs, and everyone else associated with Wall-E.
Of course, I will have to get in line behind Steven Spielberg and everyone associated with HIS notable alien movie, which plenty of others have noted bears a similar resemblance to Wall-E:

(From: http://audreycefaly.com/blog/labels/E.T..html.)
Of course, Granddad's creation pre-dated E.T. by several years, so I guess I’ll also sue Spielberg and Amblin' Entertainment or whatever his company was back then:

Yesss! Goodbye student loans!!!
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