Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Howard Cosell on John Lennon’s Death and “This Sick, Sports-Obsessed Country”

Several places have parts of this interview, but its originally from Jonathan Cott & Christine Doudna, The Ballad of John and Yoko (Dolphin Books 1982), at page 228. This book is a collection of Rolling Stone interviews and miscellaneous remembrances of John Lennon, published a little more than a year after he was killed.

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Thursday, December 3, 2015

Random Pro-Reading/Book Bumber Sticker

Seen yesterday on the streets of New Orleans:

Many variations on this theme are available but the only one I could find with the coffee cup - NICE TOUCH! - is through a shop where you can personalize them for your own store. Need to find me a blank one, or get them for our library.
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